Saturday, April 4, 2015

Introduction to the Class

This week, we started by getting introduced to the class. We discussed the syllabus and expectations for a while, but spent a lot of time getting a picture of what this class is going to look like. Our professor, Tyler Fox, introduced himself and told us about his background in art and technology (IT). As a biologist, both of these things seem very far from my areas of interest and knowledge.

He further explained that he had worked on projects to link sensors that would take heart rate and make algae in jars fluoresce with the measured heart rate. I know about algae. Okay, maybe this isn't so bad. I mean I could genetically modify it, I could figure out how to grow it in different conditions, I could make things fluoresce. But, how do you make the fluorescence pulse? I didn't know that was possible. Intimidation levels rising. What world is this? But seriously, that is beyond cool. Also, the kimchi sonification project touches my roots as someone with a half Korean, half Caucasian background. I thought that that project was really interesting and definitely something that I never would have thought to do.

After that, we introduced ourselves to the class with our name, major, and something that we have made that we are proud of or that failed. I was definitely racing through my thoughts to think of something that I had made - ever. It was strange to me to think of how infrequently I thought of this question. It seemed that we all often made things and I found it strange that I couldn't think of anything to say.

The first examples where a classmate said that he and a friend had built a 3D printer didn't help me think of what to say. I definitely haven't done anything that technical. I was thankful for one person who said that they had made pies since I had not even considered that that was something I have made. I felt that my example of making a library of mutants for my protein of interest in my lab was very different from what other people said, but I'm hoping that this class will give me the chance to create things that I wouldn't normally think to do or try to do.

Because pictures help me remember. Pictures taken from Tyler Fox's project. (I hope this is okay). Found on:

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